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MumEcho: Multi-service, AI-enabled parent-life task manager and assistant


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Mums are exhausted and all mums have some unmet need in her pursuit of wanting to be the perfect parent. MumEcho exists to make a parent’s life easier, fuller, happier and more satisfying. We offer a multi-service platform which acts like a meeting and transactional place between our supply partners AND the target customer in the parent-life industry.

What is the core problem you are solving?

With the growing demands of a competitive workplace, maintaining a complex household and a thriving family, it is no surprise that Gen X and Millennial mothers are facing severe strain, depression, premature aging, rejection from peers, discrimination at work and more. The ‘parent eco-system’ is highly complex and at every stage (Pre motherhood, expecting motherhood and motherhood) a unique set of needs, demands, challenges and agility is required. The modern mother is really doing it all. She is trying to be perfect. And during this strive for perfection, she is inundated with parent-life responsibilities and a never-ending task list. This is causing serious problems in the world and no one is doing anything about it in a way that is massively impactful. The endless ’help’ resources available are, ironically, adding to the task list instead of easing it. While great to have, it isn’t really helping the root of the problem. I am solving this problem because I have gone through the strain myself and I can see the purposeful impact a solution like this will have on the mum and parent community, globally.

What is your company's solution? Please describe your product or business and what it does / will do.

MumEcho is a novel online one-stop task hub for a parent to manage their complex parent-life. We offer a multi-service platform which acts like a meeting and transactional place between service supply partners and the target customer in the parent-life industry, over 3 distinctive customer segments available to global users on a local basis.

Founding story

On a beautiful summer evening in Cape Town, while watching the sun set on my balcony, overlooking the ocean with my son in my hands, I said to myself…”I wish I could just do it all on 1 app. Click click click and it’s all done”. A big bell/alarm and ah ahhhhh went off in my head. And that is how MumEcho WAS BORN. Mum Echo is a ‘click, click, click and it’s done’ solution for mums and parents. Exactly what I need and from my research, what other mums would love. A multi-service platform which centralises content from multiple sectors of the parent industry and makes all those goods, services, content and offerings, etc available to the ‘mum’ in a easy, convenient and simple way. Everything from e-commerce, learning, planning, booking, hiring help, training, getting support and much more is purposefully structured, designed and readily available on our platform. All this with the ability to save information, organise it in manageable, easily accessible ways and then use it as and when required. In delivering this solution, we give ‘mums’ the single most valuable asset they simply do not have enough of…..TIME. Time gives you the power to care for yourself, Care for your loved ones and be more aware of your environment, hence the positive inherent outcome of MumEcho is endless.

Company stage

Not live yet, building the first version

Have you raised money for your company?

Yes, with a pre-seed/seed

Call to actions, questions or suggestions for anyone reading this article?

We are looking to partner with a Tech Engineer (CTO) and partners in the ecosystem. Investors and other potential partners may also contact us on

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